Prof. Hong-Jun Gao

  • Professor and Group Leader in Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Academician of the Developing Country Academy of Sciences
  • 1994, Ph D in Physics, Peking University
  • 1994, Associate Professor, Beijing Laboratory of Vacuum Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 1995, Professor, Beijing Laboratory of Vacuum Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 1997 -1999, Visiting Professor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
  • 2000-now, Professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Scientific Secretary of the International Union of Vacuum Science, Technology, and Applications
  • Chairman of the Nanometer Structure Division, International Union of Vacuum Science, Technology, and Applications
  • Deputy President, China Association for Science and Technology
  • President, Chinese Vacuum Society
  • Editor-in-Chief for Chinese Physics B and Acta Physica Sinica
  • 2008, OCPA AAA (Robert Prize) (OCPA: the Overseas Chinese Physics Association; AAA: Achievement in Asia Award)
  • 2009, TWAS Prize in Physics (TWAS: Third World Academy of Sciences)
  • 2010, Humboldt Research Award
  • 2012, Science and Technology Awards of the Ho Leung Ho Lee
  • 2013, Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 2018, TAN KAH KEE Science Award (Mathematics and Physics)
  • 2019, ChinaNano Award
  • Constructions and fundamental properties of basic units for nanoscale electronic devices.
  • Self-assembly structure characterizations and growth mechanism of low-dimensional functional molecule systems.
  • Materials, technology and relative physical basic in the field of ultrahigh density information storage/molecule storage.
  • Self-organization and growth dynamics of organic-inorganic complex.
  • Surface-supported nanostructures and their formation process by STM.
  • Fabrications of low-dimensional bio-systems and testing of their properties.
  • Construction, physical properties and devices of high quality graphene material.

   1.    Ye-Liang Wang, Hai-Ming Guo, and Hong-Jun Gao, “Chapter 25: Graphene on Crystalline Metal Surfaces”, in << Surface and Interface Science >> Ed. Klaus Wandelt, Wiely-VCH, 2014.

   2. Yeliang Wang, Qi Liu, Haigang Zhang, Haiming Guo, and Hong-Jun Gao, “Chapter 11: Molecular Rotors Observed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”, in << Three-Dimensional Nanoarchitectures Designing Next-Generation Devices >> Eds. Zhou Weiie and Wang Zhonglin, Pages 287-316, Springer, 2011.

   3. Haiming Guo, Yeliang Wang and Hongjun Gao, " Chapter 17: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of the Si(111)-7x7 Surface and Adsorbed Ge Nanostructures", in << Applies Scanning Probe Methods XII - Characterization>> Eds. B. Bhushan and H. Fuchs, Pages 183-220, Springer, 2009, USA.

   4. T. Z. Yang, Anca Mocofanescu, C. M. Shen, H. J. Gao, and C. W. Xiao, “Chapter 3: Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications”, in << Micro and Nano Manipulations for Biomedical Applications>> Eds. T.C. Yih and L. Talpasanu, P. 43-100, Artech House, 2008, USA.

   5. H. J. Gao, H. Fuchs, and D. Chen, << Advanced Materials and Nanoelectronics>> Special Issue in Nanotechnology, Vol. 13, Number 6, December 2002, IOP Publishing, UK.

   6. H. J. Gao, H. Fuchs, and D. Chen, << Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanodevices >> IOP e-Book Series Publishing, 2003, UK.

   7. H. J. Gao, Z. Q. Xue, and S.J. Pang, “Toward Organic Molecular Devices using an Ionized Cluster Beam Deposition Technique”, in << Electrical and Optical Polymer System: Fundamental, Methods, and Application>> Eds. D. L. Wise, D. J. Trantolo, et al., P.729-762, Marcer Dekker, INC, 1998, USA.

   8. Z. Q. Xue, H. J. Gao , and S. J. Pang, “Organic Thin Films for Ultrahigh Data Density Storage”, in << Photonic Polymer System: Fundamental, Methods, and Application>> Eds. D.L. Wise, G.E. Wnek, et al., P.895-935, Marcer Dekker, INC, 1998, USA.