张艳芳 博士

邮箱: yfzhang.smile@gmail.com

➢ 2017.09 – 现在: 凝聚态物理,博士后
导师: 杜世萱 研究员(sxdu@iphy.ac.cn
➢ 2015.09 – 2016.08:交流访问
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
导师: Prof. Sokrates T Pantelides (pantelides@vanderbilt.edu)
➢ 2011.09 – 2017.07: 凝聚态物理,博士
中国科学院物理研究所,纳米物理与纳米器件实验室 N04组,北京
导师: 高鸿钧 院士 (hjgao@iphy.ac.cn
           杜世萱 研究员 (sxdu@iphy.ac.cn)
➢  2007.09 – 2011.07: 材料物理科学,学士

➢ 基于第一性原理的高通量计算
➢ 二维材料的新奇物性研究以及二维材料基因库的构建
➢ 分子自组装理论计算
➢ 密度泛函理论
➢ 计算软件: VASP, Gaussian, wannier90
➢ 数据处理: Materials Studio, Origin, Vesta, P4vasp, vaspview, VMD, gnuplot
➢ 语言: Fortran, Python
2016  所长奖学金
2015  国家奖学金
2014 所长表彰奖
2013 所长表彰奖
2011 山东省优秀毕业生
发表论文 (*共同第一作者)
(1) Y. Cao*, J. Qi*, Y.-F. Zhang*, Li Huang, et al., “Tuning the morphology of chevron-type graphene nanoribbons by choice of annealing temperature” Nano Research (2018) (2) Y.-F. Zhang*, Y. Zhang*, G. Li, J. Lu, Y. Que, et al., “Sulfur-doped Graphene Nanoribbons with a Sequence of Distinct Band Gaps” Nano Research 10, 12274 (2017) 
(3) L. Huang*, Y.-F. Zhang*, Y.-Y. Zhang, W. Xu, Y. Que, et al., “Sequence of Silicon Monolayer Structures Grown on a Ru Surface: from a Herringbone Structure to Silicene” Nano Letters 17, 1161 (2017) (4) F. Qiu, J. Edison, Z. Preisler, Y.-F. Zhang et al., “Design Rules for SelfAssembly of 2D Nanocrystal/Metal–Organic Framework Superstructures” Angewandte Chemie (2018) (5) J. Ren, H. Guo, J. Pan, Y.-F. Zhang, Y. Yang, et al., “Interatomic Spin Coupling in Manganese Clusters Registered on Graphene” Physical review letters 119, 176806 (2017) (6) X. Lin, J. Lu, Y. Shao, Y. Zhang, X. Wu, J. Pan, L. Gao, S. Zhu, K. Qian, Y.F. Zhang, et al., “Intrinsically patterned two-dimensional materials for selective adsorption of molecules and nanoclusters” Nature Materials 16, 717 (2017) (7) M. Gao*, Y.-F. Zhang*, L. Huang, Y. Pan, Y. Wang, et al., “Unveiling Carbon Dimers and their chains as precursor of graphene growth on Ru(0001)” Applied Physics Letters 109, 131604 (2016)  (8) J. Li, J. Zhuang, C. Shen, Y. Tian, Y. Que, R. Ma, J. Pan, Y.-F. Zhang, et al., “Impurity-induced formation of bilayered graphene on copper by chemical vapor deposition” Nano Research 9, 2803 (2016) (9) J. Lu, D. Bao, H. Dong, K. Qian, S. Zhang, J. Liu, Y.-F. Zhang, et al., “Construction of Two Dimensional Chiral Networks through Atomic Bromine on Surfaces” Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8, 326 (2016) (10)Y. Zhang, Y.-F. Zhang, et al., "Construction of single-crystalline supramolecular networks of perchlorinated hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene on Au(111)." The Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 101911 (2015) (11)R. Wu*, L. Yan*, Y.-F. Zhang*, et al., “Self-assembled patterns and Young’s modulus of single-layer naphthalocyanine molecules on Ag(111)” The Journal of Physics Chemistry C, 119, 8208 (2015) (12)Y. Zhang; Y.-F. Zhang; et al., “Direct visualization of atomically precise nitrogen-doped graphene nanoribbons” Applied Physics Letters 105, 023101 (2014) (13)W. Fu, l. Wang, Y.-F. Zhang, et al., “Improving Polymer/Nanocrystal Hybrid Solar Cell Performance via Tuning Ligand Orientation at CdSe Quantum Dot Surface” Applied Materials and Interfaces 6, 19154 (2014) (14)J. Pan, S. Du, Y. Zhang, L. Pan, Y.-F. Zhang, et al., “Ferromagnetism and perfect spin filtering in transition-metal-doped graphyne nanoribbons” Physical Review B 92, 205429 (2015) (15)L. Yan, R. Wu, D. Bao, J. Ren, Y.-F. Zhang, et al., “Adsorption behavior of Fe atoms on a naphthalocyanine monolayer on Ag(111) surface” Chinese Physics
B 24, 076802 (2015)
(1) 2017.03 “Sulfur-doped Graphene Nanoribbons with a Sequence of Distinct Band Gaps”        American Physics Society March Meeting, New Orleans, U.S. (2) 2016.03 “Silicene Evolution from Silicon Herringbones on Ru(0001)”  American Physics Society March Meeting, Baltimore, U.S. (3) 2015.09 “Role of Cooperative Interactions in the Intercalation of Heteroatoms between Graphene and a Metal Substrate”  The 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ChinaNANO 2015), Beijing, China. (4) 2014.10 “Growth mechanism of metal clusters on graphene/Ru(0001) Template”  The 1st international conference on two-dimensional layered materials, Zhejiang, China.